How Much Does It Cost To Add A New Driver To My Insurance

There are several circumstances where it makes sense to add someone to your insurance, whether it’s a roommate, spouse, significant other, adolescent kid, or college student. 

When a person frequently uses the covered vehicles or resides at the same address permanently, most insurance companies will let you add that individual as a driver to your auto insurance policy.  

The majority of insurance companies also let you share an insurance policy with another person if you reside together.

But if you ask, how much does it cost to add a new driver to my insurance? Well, we must say it depends.

Covering another person under your car insurance policy depends on their previous driving record, age, gender, car type, and many more. Sometimes, it adds around $30-$50 only. Sometimes, you need to double your premiums if you are adding someone who doesn’t have a clean driving record.

Wish to learn more? Let’s dive in!

How Much Does It Cost To Add A New Driver To My Insurance? (In-depth Discussion)

How Much Does It Cost To Add A New Driver To My Insurance
Image Credit: Value Penguin

The location you live in, the type of vehicle you operate, your credit history, your driving record, and even your gender and age all affect how much it will cost to add a new driver to car insurance. 

As a result, it can be challenging to predict how incorporating a new driver into your insurance coverage will affect your monthly prices.

Usually, insurance companies charge you when you modify your policy. You can contact them by phone or online to adjust your auto insurance plan. 

And you may alter the car’s overall “risk profile” when you add a specified driver to your insurance. This could result in an increase or decrease in the price of your auto insurance.

Depending on the insurance provider and the type of driver you’re adding, you may incur additional costs when adding a driver. 

Your rates may increase if you have younger, less experienced drivers on the road or if they have had prior claims and convictions. Our vehicle insurance pricing index estimates that an 18-year-old driver’s auto insurance would cost £1,581 for example.

Therefore, you might wish to modify your policy in multiple ways at once to cut down on potential administrative costs. 

Sometimes speaking with your insurance directly may be preferable. Particularly if you want to get a better understanding of the situation or check out any potential policy implications.

When Should I Add Someone To My Insurance?

While driving, car insurance provides you peace of mind, but what happens when a colleague or a family member wants to borrow your car? 

If a driver has access to your automobile, or a driver’s license, and resides at your home, you must add them to your policy. Teenage and young adult children, live-in companions, and spouses are typical instances. 

Moreover, you might need to add a person to your insurance coverage who works for you, occasionally drives your car, but doesn’t reside in your house. Housekeepers, daycare providers, and home health care providers are typical examples. 

Ask your insurance about its policies in these circumstances. The majority of the time, including this person on your policy, aids in safeguarding your financial interests. 

If their work contract expires in the future, you can fire them.

Who Should I Include In My Car Insurance Policy?

In general, you must name any immediate relatives who are of driving age and live alongside you as named drivers on your insurance policy. The additional members of your home must be included on your insurance in several states. 

Also, married couples who live together must be covered under the same policy, according to several insurance firms. 

If your teen often uses your car, you should add them to your insurance. Even if they are covered by another auto coverage say, the policy of a different parent this may still be necessary. 

Besides, roommates may add each other to their policies as they share a residence.

Regular vehicle borrowers who don’t reside with you don’t often have to be included in your policy; They’ll likely be insured under a clause known as “permissive use,” which expands your auto insurance protection to other drivers as long as you grant them permission for using your car.

How To Add Someone In My Car Insurance Policy?

To add a new driver to your policy, you typically have two options: phone your auto insurance provider or sign into your account online

If you also intend to share a single policy that insures both of your vehicles, your insurance provider will normally require the drivers’ names, dates of birth, driving records, and license details, as well as their vehicle identification number (VIN).

Usually, you can amend your insurance at any time to include a new driver at your house, such as a teenager or a driver who has recently started using your car frequently. 

However, you probably won’t need to add someone to your coverage if you’re just letting them borrow your car for a day or two.

What Do “Permissive Users” Mean?

People who momentarily borrow their car are typically referred to as “permissive users” by insurance firms. Permissive users are people who have been given express authorization to operate a vehicle even though they don’t own it or typically use it.

If the contract permits it, insurance protection immediately extends from the insured driver to their authorized users. 

Even if you do not share automobile insurance with them, some policies only provide permissive coverage for spouses or immediate family members. 

Any person you authorize to drive, including a hired driver or employee, is covered by additional insurance companies. A car insurance policy typically follows the vehicle because it is for the car and not the person driving it.

What Is the Cost of Adding a Teen to Your Car Insurance Policy?

Your son or daughter just obtained their driver’s license and they can’t wait to start driving. The good news is that assuming they develop a solid driving record, you may anticipate a reduction in premiums when they enter their 20s.

You can anticipate paying an estimated yearly premium of $4,144 for a 16-year-old, $3,985 for a 17-year-old, $3,718 for an 18-year-old, and $3,343 for a 19-year-old if you add a youngster to your auto insurance policy. 

It’s a known fact that, the higher your insurance coverage, the greater your chance of financial savings. Various insurance companies charge different premiums for their insurance coverage, so what may be less expensive for your neighbor may not be for you. 

If you add a teenage driver to your policy, it’s wise to compare rates from various auto insurance providers.


Now, let’s get to know some of the commonly asked questions regarding this topic:

Why is new driver insurance so expensive?

Because they are viewed as high-risk drivers, car insurance for new and young drivers is very expensive. 

Does my auto insurance cover the driver as well as the vehicle?

Your car is often covered by your auto insurance policy, not the drivers listed on it. When you are driving someone else’s car, though, the policy might also offer some protection. 

How does add-on insurance work?

An owner can buy an add-on cover, also known as an additional cover, to boost the amount of protection under his or her insurance policy. 

How soon will the cost of my insurance decrease?

Sadly, there is no magic number that will cause insurance rates to fall, but typically the first 3 years of driving are the costliest.

Is a named driver a cheaper option for auto insurance?

It’s possible that the named driver will be more senior and knowledgeable than you. Therefore, if you include them in your coverage, your costs could decrease. 

Is my own insurance impacted by being a named driver?

If you are an entitled driver on a friend’s automobile and subsequently get into an accident, the policy is related to the car, not the buddy.


The decision to add a driver to insurance is based on a number of variables. Additionally, the price varies according to the person’s driving record, the kind of car, and other factors. 

Nevertheless, the information on how much it costs to add a new driver to my insurance is provided above, along with answers to some other queries about auto insurance policies. Hope this article was useful to you!

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Mehedi Hasan is an insurance expert with over 6 years of experience in the industry. He has a deep understanding of various types of insurance policies and is skilled at helping clients find the coverage that best fits their needs. In his current role, Mehedi works as a consultant, advising businesses and individuals on the best insurance options for their specific situations.

He is also a frequent speaker at industry events, sharing his knowledge and expertise with colleagues and professionals in the field. Mehedi holds a degree in insurance and risk management and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments. In his free time, he enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with his family.

Mehedi hasan

Mehedi Hasan is an insurance expert with over 6 years of experience in the industry. He has a deep understanding of various types of insurance policies and is skilled at helping clients find the coverage that best fits their needs. In his current role, Mehedi works as a consultant, advising businesses and individuals on the best insurance options for their specific situations.

He is also a frequent speaker at industry events, sharing his knowledge and expertise with colleagues and professionals in the field. Mehedi holds a degree in insurance and risk management and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments. In his free time, he enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with his family.

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