does my insurance cover birth control implant

Implantation is not an easygoing thing. And importantly, you need to buy an implant device, which costs a lot. So, people, who are not affluent, cannot afford to buy an implant.

Coincidentally I have gone through the situation of not being able to manage the money for expensive medication. However, you may ask, what is a birth control implant, and does my insurance cover birth control implant?

You will get all the answers in this article. Not only that, but also you will get all the relevant information regarding birth control implants.

Birth Control Implant: What Is It And How Does It Function?

Nexplanon is another name for the birth control implant which prevents pregnancy. Nexplanon contraceptive implant is a small, flexible plastic tube measuring 4 cm long by 2 mm broad. Your healthcare professional inserts the Nexplanon contraceptive implant beneath the skin of your upper arm during a brief procedure.

A progestogen is a hormone that is released by birth control implants. In addition to stopping ovulation, this hormone aids the body’s preparation for pregnancy. Moreover, eggs exit the ovaries during ovulation to be fertilized by sperm in the womb.

Moreover, in two methods, progestogen functions as a contraceptive implant that inhibits pregnancy. First, it thickens the cervix’s mucus, which prevents sperm from reaching an egg and fertilizing it. Second, it stops ovulation, preventing the release of eggs from the ovaries.

Additionally, a pregnancy cannot happen if the sperm and egg cannot connect or if the egg does not exit the ovaries. And according to the National Health Service (NHS), the implant thins the womb’s lining. Thus, the implant makes the womb’s lining less probable for fertilized eggs to implant into the womb’s lining.

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The Birth Control Implant (Nexplanon): The Advantages

Although everyone may experience different side effects, using Nexplanon has several advantages:

  • Easy To Maintain

You will not need to stress about taking your medication on time. There is nothing you need to do for Nexplanon to continue working.

  • Convenience

You can get three years of reliable birth control with only a quick trip to your doctor. And you need not go to the pharmacy frequently. And you will not need to be concerned about refills.

  • Safe Nursing

You will be relieved to learn that nursing is safe using the Nexplanon implant if you are thinking about getting one after giving birth. Starting four weeks after giving birth, you can have a Nexplanon placed at any time.

  • Effectiveness

One of the best contraceptives on the market is Nexplanon. It is even more efficient than vasectomies. Moreover, you have a very low possibility of becoming pregnant, with a failure probability of 0.1%.

  • A Less Intrusive Choice Than Alternatives

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) can prevent pregnancy well. However, you can have the implant placed with Nexplanon easily. But some people think the implant placement process is a little offensive.

After going through these benefits of the birth control implant, you may try to add another advantage: “does my insurance cover birth control implant?” It can work as an advantage if your insurance covers birth control implants.

But you do not know the answer to it. Do not worry; you will get the answer later in the article.

The Birth Control Implant (Nexplanon): The Disadvantages

Apart from the advantages, there are some disadvantages of the birth control implant or Nexplanon. The disadvantages are:

  • It could result in occasional periods or spotting between periods. Additionally, your period may stop. And having no period is viewed positively by some women.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), like AIDS/HIV and herpes, are not protected by the implant. You should use a condom in order to avoid getting sick if you are not sure whether your sexual partner has an STI.
  • It could lead to weight gain, changes in mood, or a decrease in sex interest.
  • An implant can only be placed and removed by a medical professional.
  • According to the NHS, the implant might spread acne or the intensity of pre-existing acne.
  • It could cost money to install and remove the implant.
  • Over the first few months, a person could experience side effects.

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The Birth Control Implant (Nexplanon): The Side Effects

does my insurance cover birth control implant

Implant-related complications are not common but could happen. Unusual bleeding or spotting, and issues with insertion and removal, are all potential side effects of implant insertion.

The side effects of the implant are not severe. You might see the side effects as beneficial. However, breast tenderness, bloating, mood swings, and nausea are some side effects of implants. You can compare it to those oral birth control pills.

However, they should vanish within the first three months of the installation. The most frequent side effect is occasional bleeding or spotting.

The symptoms of this can include no bleeding at all, varying lengths of bleeding throughout your period, different intervals of time, and spotting between periods. For most patients, the bleeding is less intense than usual.

The Birth Control Implant (Nexplanon): The Cost With Insurance

Now, in this section, you can raise the question again: “does my insurance cover birth control implant?” Your insurance plan type will determine what medicines and services, including birth control, are covered.

No matter what plan you have, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) ensures that your insurance plan will cover all prescription birth control. Among them are:

  • Birth control implant.
  • Birth control pill.
  • Birth control patch.
  • Birth control shot.
  • IUD.
  • Vaginal ring.
  • Cervical cap.
  • Diaphragm.

Therefore, you can say that your insurance can cover birth control implants. However, the ACA asks who would pay for services related to birth control.

For example, the costs of placing or removing an implant by a doctor. Following are some examples of Nexplanon implant prices for different insurance plans:

  • Medicaid

Programs provided by Medicaid can assist with family planning and birth control. And it will cover the birth control way you choose.

The coverage and repayment costs vary slightly between states. According to the birth control implant maker, 99% of Medicaid recipients do not repay. Those who must pay do so for an amount between $1 to $942.

Even if a person has Medicare coverage, Medicaid may still pay for birth control methods like implants. You can include adults with impairments and those who have certain medical issues in this group.

  • Medicare

Most Medicare recipients do not pay for birth control implants like commercial insurance. Most of those payments are somewhere between $3 to $963. 96% of Medicare recipients, according to the implant manufacturer, do not repay.

Since Medicare is primarily intended for American seniors 65 and older, it does not cover birth control. However, you will be covered if a medical professional decides that they should treat a certain birth control type, like ovarian cysts.

In this situation, Medicare Part B will offer insurance coverage. You will get coverage for birth control in order to prevent pregnancy if you own a Part D Medicare plan. And a private insurance provider offers the Part D plan.

The Birth Control Implant (Nexplanon): The Cost Without Insurance

Nexplanon’s list price without insurance is $981.56. Moreover, there is a charge for insertion and ultimate removal. In addition, you will have to pay for the initial consultation with a healthcare provider to go through birth control alternatives.

However, there are still ways to assist you in paying for birth control if you do not have health insurance. Additionally, if you are not eligible for Medicaid, including implanted contraceptives. The choices that can reduce these costs are listed below:

  • Programs For Manufacturers’ Savings

Manufacturers sporadically offer prescription drug savings programs for patients who cannot afford their drugs. Nexplanon does not currently have any manufacturer’s savings programs.

  • Coupon Websites 

In order to reduce the price of prescription drugs, a number of programs for savings, shopping portals, and coupons are available. Each company has a different set of prices and coupons.

People Who Should Not Receive Nexplanon

Before deciding on the birth control implant, you should talk to your doctor about the dangers associated with its use. If you have any of the risk factors listed below, you should not use Nexplanon, per the prescribing information:

  • If you are pregnant or suspect that you could be pregnant.
  • If you have cancer, tumors, or liver disease.
  • If you have vaginal bleeding that is not menstrual.
  • If you have blood clots in the body.
  • If you have been or are being treated for breast cancer.
  • If you are hypersensitive to the implanted Nexplanon.
  • If you are seeking birth control that gives STI protection.

Other incompatibilities to take into account are:

  • Mental illness.
  • Sensitivity to anesthetics.
  • Diabetes.
  • Excessive blood pressure.
  • High cholesterol.
  • Gallbladder or kidney issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does An Implant provide Pregnancy Protection?

The hormone implant is supposed to last up to three years, according to Nexplanon, the company that makes it. But a new study indicates that it can last up to four years. The implant has a pregnancy prevention rate of over 99%, making it superior to birth control pills.

Does getting an implant hurt?

Everyone experiences insertion pain differently, although most people describe pressure instead of pain when they experience it. In order to make you more comfortable, your doctor will inject a small quantity of numbing medication into the area before implant placement.

How Much Time Does A Hormone Implant Take To Start Working After Being Placed?

If the doctor implants the hormone within the first five days of your period, it will work effectively right after the implantation. Moreover, if the doctor places your implant when you are not on your period, you must use an extra form of birth control, such as condoms.

Additionally, you must wear that if you have sex within the first seven days after your insertion. After that, the implant will greatly prevent you from becoming pregnant.

Does The Birth Control Implant Offer Protection From Diseases Or STIs Spread Sexually?

No. The implant merely prevents conception. You must still use a condom every time you have sex to protect yourself from diseases like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and HIV. You should also ensure that you and your partner are periodically checked for STIs.

Who Is Not Eligible For The Birth Control Implant?

You must not use the birth control implant if:
You are taking medications that could cause the implant to malfunction.
You suffer from liver or heart illness.
You have experienced breast cancer in the preceding five years.

Will Nexplanon Cause Me To Gain Weight?

Birth control has a somewhat varying impact on each person due to the differences in their bodies. Although not everyone experiences weight gain while using Nexplanon or the contraceptive implant, it is possible. Many people utilize the implant without experiencing this uncommon side effect.

How Much Time Does It Take The Implant To Settle?

It may take 6 to 9 months to settle, but it normally gets better with time. Although these adjustments may be inconvenient, they are not risky. But if your bleeding does last for a long time, you will get some extra hormones or medication from your doctor to control the bleeding.

What Could Prevent The Implant From Functioning?

Some medications, including epilepsy, HIV, and tuberculosis, can reduce the implant’s effectiveness. Moreover, certain antibiotics, including rifampicin and rifabutin, can also prevent the implant from functioning.

Final Words

From the above discussion, you have come to know about the birth control implant, its benefits, disadvantages, side effects, cost, etc. And you have come to know the answer to the question: “does my insurance cover birth control implant?”

The answer is yes; your insurance can cover birth control implants. So, you will not have to pay a lot of money.

Thus, you can save money. Moreover, some people cannot use Nexplanon to prevent pregnancy. So, all the information given above is very much sensitive. That is why they seek your attention and carefulness.

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Mehedi Hasan is an insurance expert with over 6 years of experience in the industry. He has a deep understanding of various types of insurance policies and is skilled at helping clients find the coverage that best fits their needs. In his current role, Mehedi works as a consultant, advising businesses and individuals on the best insurance options for their specific situations.

He is also a frequent speaker at industry events, sharing his knowledge and expertise with colleagues and professionals in the field. Mehedi holds a degree in insurance and risk management and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments. In his free time, he enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with his family.

Mehedi hasan

Mehedi Hasan is an insurance expert with over 6 years of experience in the industry. He has a deep understanding of various types of insurance policies and is skilled at helping clients find the coverage that best fits their needs. In his current role, Mehedi works as a consultant, advising businesses and individuals on the best insurance options for their specific situations.

He is also a frequent speaker at industry events, sharing his knowledge and expertise with colleagues and professionals in the field. Mehedi holds a degree in insurance and risk management and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments. In his free time, he enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with his family.

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