Will Insurance Cover Owlet Monitor

A newborn baby is a big responsibility for a mother. But a mother cannot keep an eye on her baby while always staying in a room. She needs to go to the other room.

Therefore, a mother can use an owlet baby monitor to look after her baby and its condition. A similar thing happened to my sister when she gave birth to a child.

Although you do not know much about owlet baby monitors, you may assume their price to be somewhat high. From there, you may ask, will insurance cover owlet monitor?

In this article, I will answer this question and provide information about owlet monitors. So, go through it.

Owlet Baby Monitor: What Is It?

The owlet baby monitor duo is a baby monitor that consists of two parts: a camera and a smart sock. The camera works by recording the baby when it is sleeping.

Additionally, you can connect the camera to your computer, phone, or tablet to get the live video recording. Moreover, a smart sock is a cloth device that covers your baby’s foot and fixes a sensor to her skin.

In addition, by fitting it on your child’s foot, you can monitor your child. Not only that, but also you can record the patterns of your baby’s sleep.

Owlet Baby Monitor: The Features

The key features of an owlet baby monitor are as follows:

Will Insurance Cover Owlet Monitor
  • Tracks The Heart Rate

The owlet monitor observes the baby’s oxygen levels and heart rate using pulse oximetry. The hospitals have been utilizing this same reliable technology for years.

In the hospital or doctor’s office, it frequently looks like a little clip that is placed on your index finger. If I put it, the technology has been improved in the owlet baby monitor to make it more user-friendly and pleasant for your baby.

  • Delivers Alerts

It will also warn you if your child’s oxygen levels begin to drop or if their heart rate changes too much or too little. There are default levels in the owlet monitor, but you can specify a particular range at which you want to get alerts.

You will receive notifications from the owlet monitor in two different ways. The charging station will also start to beep loudly, and the app on your phone will begin to beep.

Moreover, the warning will sound before your child’s breathing, or heart stops. Thus, it gives you enough time to arrive at them, call for assistance, or start CPR.

  • Linked to The Owlet App

One of the other valuable advantages is the ability to monitor your baby’s levels in real-time via an app on your phone. Even when things go smoothly, you can check in to find out how they are performing. It means that if you keep your child with anyone else when you rush to the store for groceries, you may check in at any moment to ensure their little heart is still beating normally.

  • Observing from A Distance 

Anybody can download the app and receive login information so they can check on your child. Therefore, this could be a technique to give your family members more peace of mind if they are constantly knocking on your doorstep to monitor their baby.

Owlet Baby Monitor: The Accessories

First, you need to know what accessories are included in a box of owlet baby monitors. So, the package includes the following:

  • A camera.
  • Sensor for Smart Socks.
  • Base station.
  • 3 Cloth Socks.
  • Owlet mobile app.
  • Charger cables.
  • Convertible Power Plug.
  • Energy adapter.

Owlet Baby Monitor: How Does It Work?

The first part of the owlet baby monitor is a camera, which is straightforward. You must place the camera close to or above your baby’s sleeping area.

Thus, the live video is displayed in the owlet app. You can install and use the app on any Apple or Android smartphone.

The camera also keeps track of the room’s temperature in degrees. Thus, it alerts you when the temperature differs from the ideal level so that you can open a window, turn on the heat, or decide whether to dress your infant in more or fewer layers.

Moreover, it features night vision. And night vision allows you to see your kid clearly, even in dark places. A two-way speaker system will also enable you to communicate with your child from any location.

Besides, the base station and sock monitor your baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels. Once the sock is connected to the base station, place it on your baby’s foot. After that, the data is transmitted over WiFi to the base station and conveyed to you via the station’s illuminated connector and owlet app alerts on your phone.

Also, it includes three colors: green, blue, and red. Firstly, the green color indicates that everything is in order. Secondly, the blue color implies the loss of connection with the sock.

Lastly, the red indicates that the data is outside the desired range. However, you can always view the most recent statistics in the Owlet app.

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Owlet Baby Monitor: The Cost

At $359, the Owlet Baby Monitor Duo, which comprises the base station, camera, and sock, is currently priced at the higher end of the baby monitor price range. However, you can get the camera alone for $149. In addition, you can purchase the sock and the base station separately for $249.

Now, you may ask, will insurance cover the owlet monitor? The question comes to your mind because it costs a bit higher. Therefore, if any insurance company helps you, you can buy the owlet baby monitor; otherwise, not.

However, you will get the answer later in the article. Before that, let’s explore the benefits of owlet baby monitors.

Owlet Baby Monitor: The Benefits

You might wonder whether you should purchase an owlet baby monitor if you are a new mom. The baby’s oxygen levels and heart rate are monitored using the wearable owlet monitor. However, it has many advantages, some of which are listed below:

  • Your baby’s safety and security will give you comfort.
  • If your baby’s oxygen levels or heart rate differs from the normal range, the owlet baby monitor will notify you.
  • Your child can wear the owlet monitor on their foot or ankle, which is simple.
  • It features an integrated alarm that will go off if your baby’s oxygen levels or heart rate drop below the acceptable range.
  • The majority of smartphones and tablets are compatible with the owlet monitor.
  • You can use the owlet baby monitor inside and outside of the house.
  • The owlet baby monitor ranges from 0 to 40 feet or 0 to 12 meters.

Owlet Baby Monitor: Possible Issues with Owlet Radiation

So far, everything seems to be going well. But, owlet baby monitors have risks, just as other things.

One is that it is simple to forget how much EMF or electric and magnetic field radiation your infant might be exposed to. Besides, the fact that the owlet baby monitor is directly in contact with your baby’s skin raises concerns even when there is no alarmingly high level of EMF radiation.

In addition, research has revealed that younger children are more sensitive to the impacts of EMF radiation. However, Owlet claims that the radiation levels produced by the smart sock are twenty times lower than those produced by cell phones, one of the primary sources of EMF radiation.

In addition, your child’s radiation exposure is worsened because the device is placed on their body. However, the heat emitted by these gadgets is another factor to consider. It is because you have seen how warm your cell phones or laptops become after extended use.

It is also true in the case of the Smart Sock. Infants are at risk because of their sensitive skin.

If they sense it is getting too hot, they frequently find it challenging to move around. And you may find some uncomfortable black spots on the baby’s skin.

Owlet Baby Monitor: The Coverage

Now, it is time to answer your question: will insurance cover the owlet monitor? The answer is that insurance cannot cover the owlet baby monitor.

The reason is that the owlet baby monitor is not a medical device. However, those who have an FSA, or HSA plan, can utilize those funds to buy the owlet baby monitor duo. You can then use the debit or credit card you typically use to pay for medical bills to make the purchase.

FSA and HSA: What Are They?

FSA or a Flexible Spending Account is a platform many employers provide as part of their total benefits package if you have a health plan through your workplace. There are two different kinds of FSAs.

One is for childcare/dependent care costs, and one is for health and medical expenses. Both FSAs were created to make it easier for employees to save money throughout the insurance year to cover the costs. Besides, they also can receive a tax advantage.

On the other hand, people with HDHPs or High Deductible Health Plans can open an HSA or Health Savings Account, which is a tax-advantaged account. Through opening this account, they can save money for qualified medical expenses.

However, individuals or their employers can only contribute up to a certain amount per year to the account. You can save the funds throughout the year. And you can use these funds to cover eligible medical and childcare costs.

How Do FSAs Function?

Employees who use an FSA may find it easier to control their healthcare spending. Here is how an FSA for medical and health costs operates:

  • The IRS’s limit, which is $2,750 in 2021, is the upper limit that employers may determine for employee contributions.
  • An FSA is not the same as a savings account. You cannot carry your FSA plan with you if you quit your employment.
  • If you do not use all of your money or profit, you may lose your FDA funds at the end of the year.

How Does HSA Work?

As previously mentioned, HDHP holders are eligible to open HSA, and the two are typically combined.

However, the taxpayer must satisfy the IRS or Internal Revenue Service’s eligibility requirements to be eligible for an HSA. In 2022, an individual’s and a family’s combined HSA contributions are limited to $3,650 and $7,300.

Moreover, the sum of contributions made by the employee and the employer is based on the yearly contribution limits. At the end of the tax year, people who will be 55 or older can deposit catch-up contributions to their HSAs for an extra $1,000.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Replace An Owlet Monitor?

If you think you have got a damaged product, you can get a replacement for your owlet baby monitor. But you cannot get it if you go after passing the warranty date.

What Is The Warranty Period for Owlet?

The warranty time for the owlet is one year from the date of setup for new products and six months for refurbished products. However, if you use the product as directed in the instruction book, the device will be free of material defects.

When Should I Quit Using Owlet?

It is suitable for kids between 5 years old and 55 pounds. Many baby monitor systems aim to provide parents peace of mind by delivering notifications ranging from movement to sleeping patterns to the baby’s vital signs.

Why Does The FDA Not Approve Owlet?

Since the FDA alerted owlet that the Smart Sock monitors for infants and toddlers had been inappropriately brought to market, owlet has discontinued sales of the products. Young children aged 0 to 5 can wear the Smart Sock to monitor their pulse rate, blood oxygen saturation, and sleep habits.

Can You Wash The Owlet Smart Sock?

Yes, you can routinely hand wash the owlet smart sock with distilled water at room temperature and a light detergent. You should clean the sock once a week or as required.

As a result, there will be less chance of skin irritation, and the product will continue to function as intended. And I recommend you air dry the sock.

Additionally, you should avoid drying the sock using a dryer. The reason is that your sock may lose its original shape because of the dryer’s heat.

Does Owlet Guarantee My Baby’s Safety?

No, the owlet smart sock does not guarantee your baby’s safety because it is not a medical or FDA-approved product. And it is not intended to examine, replace, or alter any physiological process.

You purchase it for peace of mind each time your baby sleeps at night. That is why you ensure your infant’s safety while sleeping, good health, and proper care.

Should I Place My Baby Monitor In The Baby Bed?

Although it may appear pleasant in the manufacturer’s advertisements, placing a baby monitor in the bed is not recommended. Unfortunately, there have been many incidences of newborn death when babies tangled themselves up in the cords of baby monitors.

What Levels of Heart Rate Cause The Alarm to Sound?

Owlet Smart Sock alarms will sound if the heartbeat falls below 60 and rises above 220. In addition, an alarm will sound if the oxygen level drops below 80%.

In addition, a yellow warning will pulse to let you know you need to adjust the sock if it is not appropriately positioned. The red alarm sounds loud while the yellow alarm plays a children’s song.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the article, I would like to say that an owlet baby monitor is an essential gadget for looking after your child. But think twice before purchasing it, as it has some risks to a baby’s body.

Additionally, the cost of the device is also a bit higher. So, you might want to know, will insurance cover owlet monitor?

But the sad news is insurance cannot cover your baby monitor because it is not FDA-approved and is not a medical device. However, go through the article to learn more about the owlet baby monitor.

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Mehedi Hasan is an insurance expert with over 6 years of experience in the industry. He has a deep understanding of various types of insurance policies and is skilled at helping clients find the coverage that best fits their needs. In his current role, Mehedi works as a consultant, advising businesses and individuals on the best insurance options for their specific situations.

He is also a frequent speaker at industry events, sharing his knowledge and expertise with colleagues and professionals in the field. Mehedi holds a degree in insurance and risk management and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments. In his free time, he enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with his family.

Mehedi hasan

Mehedi Hasan is an insurance expert with over 6 years of experience in the industry. He has a deep understanding of various types of insurance policies and is skilled at helping clients find the coverage that best fits their needs. In his current role, Mehedi works as a consultant, advising businesses and individuals on the best insurance options for their specific situations.

He is also a frequent speaker at industry events, sharing his knowledge and expertise with colleagues and professionals in the field. Mehedi holds a degree in insurance and risk management and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments. In his free time, he enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with his family.

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